Learning Software Engineering

Dmitriy Malayev
1 min readJun 3, 2020

Hello, my name is Dmitriy Malayev, and I am a current Software Engineering student at Flatiron School.

There are numerous reasons why I choose to pursue Software Engineering at Flatiron. The main reason is that my nephew has graduated from the same program at the same school and he had a rewarding experience, additionally Flatiron has one of the highest reviews and recognition.

Additional reasons would include my passion to continuously learn new things, my desire to increase my income, and utilize my Bachelors of Science degree in Data Communications / Computer Science.

I am grateful for the tremendous knowledge the instructors and coaches have provided me. Additionally, the community online via slack, and learn.co is a joy to use, I have found myself both asking questions and answering some, with enjoyment, passion and having the benefit of reinforcing my knowledge.

I am sure most can agree that a challenging task is a more rewarding task, and easy isn’t as appreciated. Of course, there is also a difference between working hard and working smart. The goal is, to understand that many things regarding learning software engineering, require discipline, patience, logic, and of course not messing with mother nature. Sleep is quite important.

A person can do anything they put their mind into. If you are thinking of taking on the goal of also becoming a software engineer, be prepared. There are numerous free resources, including a free bootcamp prep course on the following website:


